Community Advisory Board Bylaws
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Article I
The name of the Organization shall be: WTTW Community Advisory Board (WTTW CAB).
Article II
Section 1
The objective of the WTTW Community Advisory Board (WTTW CAB) is to assist WTTW Television in fulfilling its mission to inform, inspire, educate and entertain its viewing audience by providing distinctive television programming for the Chicago metropolitan area. The WTTW CAB fulfills the objective by representing diverse constituencies within the Chicago metropolitan area, monitoring and evaluating programs, giving voice to underserved segments of the community, serving as a sounding board for ideas presented by WTTW staff and bringing issues of community concern to the attention of the WTTW station management.
Section 2
Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Communications Act governing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and public television stations’ Community Advisory Boards,
(a) The WTTW CAB shall advise the WTTW Board of Trustees with respect to whether the programming and other policies of WTTW are meeting the educational and cultural needs of the Chicago metropolitan area, and may make such recommendations as it considers appropriate to meet such needs; and
(b) The WTTW CAB shall be permitted to review the WTTW programming goals established by WTTW, the community service provided by WTTW, and the impact on the community of significant policy decisions rendered by WTTW.
Article III
The WTTW CAB shall strive to represent the diversity of the community that WTTW serves, including diversities of demography, geography, educational and cultural needs and interests, and points of view.
Section 1
Maximum Membership. The WTTW CAB membership shall be limited to consist of 27 members.
Section 2
Membership Term. The term of service of each member shall be three years ending at an Annual Meeting. Nine members shall be elected each year at the Annual meeting. In the event that a vacancy occurs after the commencement of a term, the vacancy may be filled as soon as is practicable at any regular bi-monthly public meeting. The term of a member elected to fill a vacancy arising after the commencement of a term shall end at the Annual Meeting in the third year following the commencement of the term.
Section 3
Membership Recruitment, Nomination, and Election.
(a) Members of the WTTW CAB shall be elected by the WTTW CAB.
(b)(i) The Membership Committee shall recruit candidates for membership from the community that WTTW serves, not excluding segments that are served via the internet as well as by over-the-air broadcasting and other means of transmission of the programs of WTTW. The Membership Committee shall seek candidates who are able and willing to attend meetings of the WTTW CAB and its committees and other bodies and to carry out the work of the WTTW CAB. The Membership Committee shall require each candidate to complete an application for membership in a form that the committee shall prescribe, may interview candidates, and may otherwise obtain information from and about candidates. The Membership Committee shall maintain and regularly update a roster of candidates for membership, noting on the roster the date on which each candidate applied for membership. The Membership Committee shall, from time to time, transmit the current roster of candidates to the Chair of the WTTW and to the Nominating Committee and, on request, to any member of the WTTW CAB. The Membership Committee shall keep candidates informed of the activities of the WTTW CAB and, in consultation with the Chair of the WTTW CAB, may invite candidates to attend meetings of the WTTW CAB and its committees and other bodies.
(ii) No person who is the spouse, parent, or child of, or who resides in the same household with, a Member of the CAB may be nominated for or elected to the CAB during the service on the CAB of the other person.
(iii) No person who is a trustee, officer, or employee of Window to the World Communications, Inc., may be nominated for or elected to the CAB during the time of such service or employment.
(c) (i) At the Annual Meeting the Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for election as Members to the three-year terms to be chosen in that year. The nominees proposed by the Nominating Committee shall be chosen from the Members whose terms expire at that meeting or from the roster of candidates for Member recruited by the Membership Committee. At the time of the election additional nominations may be made from the floor.
(ii) When an election is held to fill a vacancy occurring after the commencement of a term, the Nominating Committee shall nominate a candidate for each such vacancy chosen from the roster of candidates recruited by the Membership Committee. At the time of the election additional nominations may be made from the floor.
(iii) The Nominating Committee shall not be required to nominate a candidate for every seat that may become vacant upon expiration of a term or otherwise.
(iv) Voting in contested elections for CAB Members and Officers shall be held by secret ballot. The CAB may from time to time adopt rules for the conduct, including by electronic means, of contested elections,
Section 4
Initiation Fees and Dues. The WTTW CAB shall not assess an initiation fee or annual dues.
Section 5
Resignation from Membership. Any Member desiring to resign from the WTTW CAB may resign by submitting a resignation in writing to the Secretary of the WTTW CAB, and the resignation shall be effective as of the time that the writing is received by the Secretary of the WTTW CAB, who shall record thereon the date and time of the receipt of the resignation.
Section 6
Membership Maintenance. Each Member shall attend at least four (4) regularly scheduled meetings of the WTTW CAB every year. The Membership Committee, in consultation with the Secretary of the CAB, shall monitor the attendance of all Members and shall counsel, encourage, and warn Members who are in danger of failing to meet the attendance requirement. When a Member has failed to meet the attendance requirement, the Membership Committee shall report the matter in writing to the Chair of the WTTW CAB and to the WTTW CAB and shall give written notice to the Member involved. At the next bi-monthly meeting of the CAB the Member involved shall be given an opportunity to be heard and the CAB may, in its judgment, sustain the membership of the Member, or retain the Member subject to such terms of probation with respect to attendance as the CAB may deem reasonable, or declare the Member’s seat vacant. In the event that a seat is declared vacant for violation of the attendance requirement, the vacancy shall be filled at the next regular bi-monthly meeting of the CAB or at a regular bi-monthly meeting as soon thereafter as is practicable.
Section 7
Responsibilities, Member. Each Member shall:
(a) Be responsible for assisting the WTTW CAB in determining policies and priorities for the organization, ensuring effective operations, and providing leadership, advice, and directions to the staff and management of WTTW Television.
(b) Participate in the process of formulating policies and operation plans of the WTTW CAB.
(c) Vote in elections for the WTTW CAB Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary.
(d) Ensure that authority is delegated for the proper implementation of policy and plans.
(e) Attend, annually, at least four (4) regularly scheduled meetings of the WTTW CAB during each year of the member’s tenure on the WTTW CAB.
(f) Serve on committees and actively participate in committee activities.
(g) Support the objectives of the WTTW CAB.
Section 8
Ethics and Conflicts of Interest.
(a) CAB Members are encouraged to cultivate public awareness of their service on the CAB so as to stimulate the transmission to them by the public of comments on community needs, WTTW programming and other policies, and other information that will assist the CAB in advising WTTW on the educational and cultural needs of the community and on whether or not the policies of the station meet those needs.
(b) A CAB Member shall not charge fees or otherwise accept compensation for conveying comments or other information to the CAB.
(c) A CAB Member shall not, while a Member, apply for, or enter into, paid employment by the station or enter into any contractual or other relationship with the station for pecuniary consideration.
(d) Questions about the ethical obligations of CAB Members or complaints about the conduct of CAB Members may be communicated to any Officer or to the Chair of the Membership Committee. The Officers and the Membership Committee may inquire into any complaint that is received and, if the Membership Committee deems it appropriate, may report to the CAB in executive session on any such matter.
Article IV
Section 1
Officers. The officers of the WTTW CAB shall be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary. The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. The term of office shall be one year. Individuals are eligible for nomination to hold office after their first full year as a member.
In addition to their regular duties and pursuant to the objectives of the WTTW Cab as described in Art I. Section 2 above, the officers of the WTTW CAB will request to meet annually with the Executive Committee of the WTTW Board of Trustees to provide the WTTW CAB perspective on whether the programming and other policies of WTTW are meeting the specialized educational and cultural needs of the communities served by WTTW and make such recommendations as the WTTW CAB considers appropriate to meet such needs.
Section 2
Duties, Chairperson. The Chairperson shall:
(a) Coordinate all WTTW CAB activities under the direction of the members.
(b) Preside over all regular WTTW CAB meetings.
(c) Prepare agendas for all regular WTTW CAB meetings.
(d) Be the primary spokesperson for the WTTW CAB, although this duty may be delegated.
(e) Appoint committee members as necessary.
(f) Ensure that all commitments between the WTTW CAB and WTTW management are satisfied.
(g) Assist in orientation of new WTTW CAB members.
(h) Report after each regular WTTW CAB meeting to the Chairperson of the WTTW Community Engagement Committee of Window To The World Communications, Inc. Copies of report shall be made available to WTTW CAB members, as well as WTTW management.
(i) Propose, in consultation with the Vice Chairperson and the Secretary, at the first regular meeting held after the Annual Meeting in each year, an agenda or work plan for the WTTW CAB for the ensuing year.
Section 3
Duties, Vice-Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall:
(a) Assume the duties of the Chairperson, in the case of the Chairperson's absence or inability to act.
(b) Report at regular WTTW CAB meetings on activities by standing and/or special committees in the absence of the committee chairperson.
(c) Perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
Section 4
Duties, Secretary. The Secretary shall:
(a) Oversee WTTW CAB record keeping and ensure compliance with relevant provisions of the Bylaws.
(b) Keep or arrange for the keeping of the minutes of the regular meetings of the WTTW CAB in one (1) or more books provided for that purpose.
(c) Ensure that the regular meeting minutes are posted on the WTTW CAB web page in a timely manner and distributed to the members.
(d) Ensure that notices are given in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws or as required by law.
(e) Maintain regular meeting attendance.
(f) Establish and maintain systems and controls to ensure that WTTW CAB records are protected for long-term safekeeping.
(g) Maintain member contact information.
(h) Certify all WTTW CAB documents as true and correct copies thereof.
(I) Sign WTTW CAB documents and correspondence, as required.
(j) Monitor parliamentary procedure, as needed.
(k) Perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
Article V
Section 1
Regular Meetings. The WTTW CAB shall meet at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December, or on such other day and time as the WTTW Community Advisory Board may designate. All regular meetings will be held at the WTTW – Window To The World Communications, Inc., Studio One, 5400 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60625. WTTW CAB Members shall attend regular meetings and may bring business before the WTTW CAB with prior notification to and approval from the Chairperson. The time and location of all WTTW CAB meeting shall be advertised in advance over the air by WTTW station management. The meetings shall be open to the public and advertised as such.
Section 2
Order of Business. The order of business at regular meetings shall be:
1) Roll Call
2) Approval of Minutes
3) Considerations of Additions to the Agenda
4) Reports of Officers and Committees
5) Unfinished Business
6) New Business
7) Announcements
8) Program
9) Public Comment (At the discretion of the Chairperson, public comment may be elicited during item #4 and #5 above.)
10) Adjournment
Section 3
Annual Meeting. The annual meeting shall be held concurrent with the regular meeting in April. The election and installation of new officers shall be the first order of business, after the roll call, during the April meeting.
Section 4
Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called at the Chairperson’s discretion. Written notice shall be given at least one week prior to the special meeting.
ection 5
Agenda. Prior to WTTW CAB regular meetings, the Chairperson or a delegate shall poll the members for proposed agenda items. The final agenda for regular meetings shall be distributed to members no later than three business days prior to the regular meeting. Additions to the agenda may be adopted by vote of the WTTW CAB Members in attendance at the beginning of each regularly scheduled meeting.
Section 6
Quorum. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the total membership.
Section 7
Electronic Meetings. When the public safety or other exigent circumstances shall require it, the Chairperson may arrange for any meeting to be held by suitable electronic means. In such event, participation in a Regular Meeting held by electronic means shall be deemed attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting of the CAB for purposes of the mandatory minimum attendance requirement of Section 6 of Article III of these By-Laws.
Section 8
Executive Session. The CAB may meet in executive session (with all members of the public, the liaisons from the Board of Trustees and Management, and all other persons who are not members of the CAB excluded), either during a Regular Meeting or as the Committee of the Whole, for the purpose of deliberating on a report that it is proposed be made to the Management or Trustees of the station or on a question of the ethical conduct of a CAB Member or for such other purpose as the Chairperson or the CAB may direct.
Article VI
Section 1
Standing and Special Committees. All committees shall have a minimum of three members. All committee chairpersons and members shall be appointed by the Chairperson and approved by the members. All committees shall adhere to the WTTW CAB’s Bylaws and standing rules. Each committee shall may report at each regularly scheduled meeting of the CAB. Each committee shall meet at the call of its Chair or of the Chairperson of the CAB. Committees may meet at such times and places as the committee may find convenient, and may conduct any meeting by electronic means. The members shall approve all committee work products before release. The Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the Secretary shall be ex-officio, nonvoting, members of all committees. Notice of every meeting of every standing and special committee shall be given to all Members of the CAB, and every Member of the CAB shall have the privilege of attending all meetings of every standing and special committee.
Section 2
Membership Committee. The Membership Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for all membership recruitment, development and retention activities, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson. The Membership Committee shall oversee the service and attendance records of all WTTW CAB Members and report those Members not meeting the minimum service and attendance requirements. The Membership Committee may, upon the request of any CAB Member seeking guidance, or upon receipt from any person of a complaint, inquire into any matter of ethics or conflicts of interest relating to the CAB and may report thereon to the CAB.
Section 3
Program Committee. The Program Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for the development and analysis of programming recommendations for the acquisition and production of programming, the analysis and evaluation of current programming, the collection and evaluation of comments by the public and by CAB Members on current programming, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson.
Section 4
Community Engagement Committee. The Community Engagement Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for encouraging and gathering feedback from the WTTW viewing and content-consuming community and forwarding the feedback to the CAB and its various committees, as appropriate, and the designated WTTW Station Management Liaison, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson.
Section 5
Education Committee. The Education Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for studying and advising the CAB on the educational needs of the community and on the extent to which the policies of WTTW do or do not meet educational needs of the community, and reporting thereon from time to time to the CAB, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson.
Section 6
Culture Committee. The Culture Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for studying and advising the CAB on the cultural needs of the community and on the extent to which the policies of WTTW do or do not meet cultural needs of the community, and reporting thereon from time to time to the CAB, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson.
Section 7
News Committee. The News Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for monitoring the work of the station in gathering and reporting news, including its dissemination on all platforms, evaluating it for its accuracy, objectivity, fairness, balance, timeliness, and adherence to news standards and principles of journalistic ethics, and reporting thereon, from time to time, to the CAB, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson.
Section 8
Station Administration and Finance Committee. The Station Administration and Finance Committee is a standing committee and shall be responsible for monitoring the administration and finance of Window to the World Communications, Inc., and the station’s policies relating to its administration and finance, to the end of ensuring that the station is administratively and financial able to meet the public television needs of the community, and reporting thereon, from time to time, to the CAB, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson.
Section 9
Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is a standing committee and shall nominate candidates for election as Members and as Officers of the CAB, as well as other activities that may be directed by the Chairperson. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson not later than at the October meeting of each year.
Section 10
Other Committees. Such other committees, standing or special (e.g., Bylaw Review Committee), shall be appointed by the Chairperson and approved by the membership as the Chairperson shall from time to time deem necessary to carry on the work of the WTTW CAB.
Article VII
Parliamentary Authority
Section 1
Parliamentary Authority. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, tenth edition shall govern the WTTW CAB in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the WTTW CAB may adopt.
Section 2
Parliamentarian. The Secretary shall be the Parliamentarian.
Section 3
Duties, Parliamentarian. The Parliamentarian shall:
(a) Give advice on parliamentary procedure to the WTTW CAB members when requested.
(b) Call attention of the Chairperson to any material parliamentary procedure error in the proceedings that may affect the substantive rights of any member or otherwise do harm to the WTTW CAB.
Article VIII
Amendment of Bylaws
These Bylaws may be amended at any regularly scheduled meeting of the WTTW CAB by a motion to the Chairperson and approval by a simple majority of the WTTW CAB Members present. Members shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen days notice for all proposed Bylaws amendments. All Bylaw amendments shall be submitted in writing for the first reading at a regularly scheduled meeting of the WTTW CAB after notice is given to the WTTW CAB Members. Changes to the proposed Bylaws amendment may be made at the first reading. Members shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen days notice for all changes to proposed Bylaws amendments. The proposed Bylaw amendment shall be submitted for the second reading and final approval at the next regular meeting of the WTTW CAB.
Adopted: February 10, 2004
Amended: February 8, 2005
Amended: October 11, 2005
Amended: February 14, 2006
Amended: October 11, 2011 (eff. January 1, 2012)
Amended: October 20, 2015
Amended: February 16, 2021