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The American Buffalo

Episodes & Viewing Guide

Is it bison or buffalo?

Per Nachusa Grasslands’ FAQ, bison is the correct term. The actual genus and species name for the bison that’s indigenous to North America is Bison bison.

“American Buffalo” is also acceptable, but "buffalo" all by itself is not. 

Early settlers can be blamed for the mix-up, referring to bison as "buffalo," mistaking them for Water Buffalo or Cape Buffalo, native to Africa and Asia.

The filmmakers decided to call the film The American Buffalo because "buffalo" is the common name in the United States.


WTTW Stories

Here’s Where Buffalo Roam, Close to Home

Within the past decade, herds of bison have been reintroduced at preserves in Illinois and Indiana, as part of efforts to restore native prairie habitats. Here’s where you can find them.

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It’s a Bison Baby Boom at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie

A small 27-member herd—four bulls and 23 cows—was introduced to Midewin in 2015 as an experiment. 

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After Months on the Lam, Runaway Bison Finally Captured in Lake County Forest Preserve

The bison went on the lam in fall 2021 after escaping from Wauconda’s Milk and Honey Farmstead and eluded capture for nearly nine months.

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Thanks to our sponsors

The WTTW presentation of The American Buffalo is made possible, in part, by Rita and John Canning, Denny and Sandy Cummings, Marshall Field, Alicia and Peter Pond, The Bobolink Foundation, TAWANI Property Management, Barbara Malott Kizziah and Keith Kizziah, David and Amanda Mabie, and WTTW Members.