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Counting Cards | Activities | WTTW Kids Learn & Play

To illustrate how many a specific number is, students will practice counting by ones through action repetition. The exercise will aid in a better understanding basic quantities.

Animals holding up cards showing the number ten

Activity Prep

  1. Before the children come in, create a set of cards numbered 1-10. Ideally, the numbers will be large enough for the entire group to be able to see from anywhere in the learning space.


  1. Tell the children that they are going to be practicing counting up to 10 today. Practice counting from 1-10 to review.
  2. Take out the cards that are numbered 1-10. Ask a volunteer child to pick a random card. Tell the children they will jump as many times as the number on the card that is selected. (The group then jumps exactly the number of times that is on the card.)
  3. Select another volunteer to pick a random card. Tell the children that they will clap as many times as the number on the card that is selected. (The group claps exactly the number of times that is on the card.)
  4. Select a third volunteer to pick a random card. Tell the children that they will make a “peep” sound as many times as the number on the card that is selected. (The group “peeps” exactly the number of times that is on the card.)

Considerations/Modifications/Extension Activities

  1. For children that need extra assistance, continue with additional auditory and kinesthetic responses to the cards provided.
  2. Encourage children that are struggling to count to an exact number to use their fingers to keep track.

Common Core Learning Standards for Math

  • The child will count by ones. (CCSS.MATH. CONTENT.K.CC.A.1)

Items Needed

  • Ten cards, each with a number from 1 to 10