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'Before We Die' Recap: Season 2 Episode 3

Daniel Hautzinger
Goran leans out the window of a car and points a gun in Before We Die
Dubravka is beginning to trust Goran with more information and responsibilities. Photo: Jo Voets

Before We Die airs Thursdays at 8:00 pm and is available to streamWTTW Passport members can stream the whole show now. Recap the previous and following episodes.
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The corrupt policeman Marcus’s death has been made to look like a suicide, but Billy’s not convinced—especially since the gun has a homemade silencer on it—why would you try to keep a suicide quiet? There must be someone else within the police who is working for the Mimicas and wanted to silence Marcus before he shared information.

Hannah has a flash of (correct) insight: it must be Nicky Harris. She’s the only person other than Hannah, Billy, Kane, and a bureaucratic functionary who knew about the negotiations with Marcus. But when she and Billy float this theory by Kane, he gets upset—because he’s dating Nicky, not that they know. He only told Nicky about Marcus a few minutes before he was killed, he argues, and she can’t have organized a hit that quickly. Plus, he can vouch for her personally.

So is the Mimicas’ source Kane himself? Billy is skeptical, given that Kane has supported him and Hannah through so much. But Hannah wants to be careful sharing any more information with Kane.

A prudent decision, given that anything Kane knows might end up reaching Nicky. She has people watching for any of Christian’s fake IDs to be used with an airline, and has just gotten a hit—in fact, three hits. Christian has bought three flights, all getting to different cities in England around the same time, so that he is harder to track. But Nicky knows roughly when he will be arriving, if not yet where.

At a loss in their project to take down the Mimicas after the death of Marcus, Hannah and Billy have installed a camera on a utility pole to watch the Mimica house’s front door. They just miss seeing Dubravka and Goran arriving home with Bianca, who has been released from her shipping container into the cold arms of her mother.

Dubravka has put a photo of Christian in Bianca’s room for her. She braids her daughter’s hair and dresses her to go see her late brother Davor in his coffin. Dubravka makes Bianca look at Davor’s waterlogged body, apologize to him, and kiss him. She then imprisons her daughter in a windowless cell in the basement of her home and sets her nephew Jovan to guard it. Jovan tells Goran that such punishment is excessive, and Goran agrees but tells Jovan that it’s not his place to question Dubravka. When Bianca asks Jovan to bring her the photo of Christian from her room, Goran stops him and rips up the photo.

Dubravka has explained to Goran that Christian is the informant that infiltrated their family—and that he is responsible for the death of both Davor and Goran’s father, Zvonomir. She also brings Goran to meet Nicky, and deputizes him to take care of Christian once he arrives in the UK. She orders Nicky to hand Christian over to Goran once she apprehends him.

Nicky then has dinner with Kane at his home, apologizing to him for her outburst at their last date and thanking him for warning her that her official report into the Mimicas was soon going to be undermined by the revelation of Marcus as a Mimica source. She asks him for help maintaining her reputation in the wake of her report being proven wrong, and asks him how much time she has before it is officially revealed that Marcus was a source for the Mimicas. Kane says she’s safe for a while.

Billy has gone to visit Sangita, his tech genius, to have her hack Marcus’s laptop. But she’s not at her shop, because someone recently tried to hack her and then broke into her shop. She’s hiding in a safe house. But she tells Billy that the burglar took hard drives and laptops that have information about Christian’s fake IDs. That’s how Nicky has been able to track Christian’s flight purchases.

At the same time, Hannah has seen Bianca on the camera at the Mimica house. Given Bianca’s presence back in England and the knowledge that someone knows about Christian’s fake IDs, she fears the worst. But Billy reassures her that Dubravka would want Hannah to know if Christian had been killed. Dubravka wants Hannah to feel the pain of that loss.

Sangita confirms that Christian is alive when she, like Nicky, discovers that his IDs have been used to buy flights. And Billy devised a plan with Christian before he left for staying safe once he arrived in the UK, even if the Mimicas knew he was returning, as they do now.

When Christian arrives at an English airport, a customs officer texts Nicky. But Christian turns himself in to a police officer, telling them that he is an intelligence asset and needs protection until his handler, Billy, comes to pick him up. The story checks out, and Christian is sequestered away.

As Billy and Hannah go to the airport to pick Christian up, Billy gives Hannah a tracker and explains that he’s wearing one, too, in case they get separated.

Hannah reluctantly stays in the car to insure Christian and Billy have a quick getaway while Billy goes to retrieve Christian. But a woman has already done so, telling Christian that Billy was detained and sent her in his place. She shows the skeptical Christian a necklace from Hannah to convince him.

Billy just misses Christian, who realizes as he’s walking that the necklace is not actually his mom’s—it’s missing an engraving. Billy tells Hannah he needs backup.

He and Hannah finally catch up to Christian and the woman in the parking garage. Hannah brandishes her badge and her weapon, and the woman grabs Christian and points her gun at him. More police arrive, and the woman holding Christian hostage points her gun at Hannah. Christian hits her, and the other police shoot her as he escapes.

Goran watches it all from his car, upset that he has lost the chance to avenge his father—even if it would have been the first time he killed someone directly.

Hannah, Billy, and Christian flee the airport in their car.  At the safe house, Billy goes in first to make sure it’s safe. Christian asks Hannah what the plan is to help Bianca. Hannah begins to intuit that Christian has gotten Bianca pregnant—just as Dubrakva immediately knew Bianca was pregnant when the smell of a plate of food made her sick.

As Christian and Hannah walk to the safe house from the car, he pauses to tell her that he is going to be a father. Goran speeds by in a car and shoots Christian several times.

Christian manages to say “Bianca,” before dying.