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'Before We Die' Recap: Season 2 Episode 5

Daniel Hautzinger
Hannah holds a gun in shadows
Hannah and Dubravka have a final showdown as they both fight to protect their grandson

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Billy’s smashed up car is empty when Kane and a whole platoon of emergency services arrives, even though it has only been a half hour. Billy himself wakes in the abandoned factory Nicky has been using for meetings for Dubravka. He’s foggy-headed and tied to a chair. Nicky is there, along with her henchman Thomas Fordham. She demands to know what Billy, Hannah, and Kane have on her.

Billy stays silent. But Nicky has him hooked up to a heart-stopping drug on one wrist and its antidote on the other. Nevertheless, he decides to goad Nicky: he tells her that he knows that this is the factory where her father committed suicide after declaring bankruptcy. He receives a punch to the face, and then Nicky subjects him to a round of the life-threatening drug. After letting him suffer, she gives him the antidote and asks again for information, so that she can save herself from the police.

Only when she mentions Hannah does he tell her that they have camera footage of Fordham at Sangita’s store as well as footage of Nicky with Fordham, and that they know about her relationship with the corrupt cop Marcus. He doesn’t think she will be able to escape unscathed from all that evidence.

She gives him another dose of the drug and then leaves with Fordham without administering the antidote. After a period of wracking pain, Billy manages to reach over and give himself the antidote.

Hannah has missed Kane’s phone calls because she has been surveilling the Mimica home and left her phone in the car. When she finally connects with Kane, she looks up Billy’s location via the tracker sewn into his belt and sends it to Kane.

She arrives before anyone else and grabs a pipe to protect herself as she enters the warehouse, despite Kane’s admonition to wait for backup. She finds Billy unconscious on the ground, without a pulse. Paramedics arrive and begin administering CPR.

At the hospital, Hannah sits beside the unresponsive but alive Billy. She says she needs him, and she loves him. But the doctors don’t expect him to pull through after the heart damage he has suffered.

The push to take down the Mimicas and Nicky now has even more incentive. Many of Billy’s contacts, including the hacker Sangita, want revenge for what has happened to him, and help the police in setting up a raid on the upcoming sale of the Mimicas’ cocaine via Nicky. After discovering the hole in the bottom of the Mimicas’ drained pool, Hannah has reviewed surveillance footage of the house and noticed a pool service van there. Checking the license plate, she realizes that it is a fake copy of a real vehicle’s. She suspects that the cocaine was hidden under the pool and is now in the van, waiting to be delivered to a buyer. Sangita sets up a drone to track the van, as well as the Mimicas’ and Fordham’s car.

Meanwhile, the Mimicas and Nicky lay their own plans. Dubravka asks Goran to stay in the UK and take over operations from her. She has become a liability, too known to the police, and is tired. She will keep Bianca in her basement cell until she gives birth, then she will take her grandson (whom she has started identifying with her slain son Davor) back to Croatia and watch him grow up, leaving Bianca behind.

Bianca is thus becoming ever more desperate to escape. She has been able to inspire some kindness and sympathy in Jovan, her guard, who lets her take a shower after Dubravka agrees to it, on behalf of the baby. Dubravka and Goran both warn Jovan not to let Bianca get under his skin. Dubravka also warns Goran about trusting Nicky as they complete the drug sale. He says he has a backup plan.

Before the raid, Hannah resigns from the police, to Kane’s surprise. She wants to save Bianca and her grandson—her phone background is a picture of Bianca’s ultrasound—and a badge won’t help her. She says goodbye to Billy at the hospital and takes his keys to access his locker of untraceable weapons. She then drives to the Mimica house and watches Goran leave for the cocaine sale before moving in.

Jovan was also waiting for Goran to leave, so that he could sneak Bianca a slice of cake—he has already been bringing her fruit. But when Bianca hears the door open, she hides behind it and then knocks Jovan over, rushing out of her cell and locking him in.

He screams that Dubravka will kill him, and the matriarch hears the commotion. She locks a gate at the top of the stairs to the basement, preventing Bianca from escaping. She then hears Hannah dispatch a guard outside and yell for Bianca, and goes to fetch a gun.

Meanwhile, Kane orders the police to move in on the factory where Billy was held once both Fordham’s car and the Mimicas’ car arrives. The buyer is there instead of Nicky, despite the plan, and he starts to flee when he hears sirens—but Goran tells him to stay. They’re all just developers buying the property in cash; he even has floor plans to prove it, and the cash is clean. The pool service van is empty, despite Kane’s belief that it held the drugs.

But Nicky has outplayed everyone, including her own henchman: police dogs find a large portion of the cocaine hidden under a panel in the back of Fordham’s car. Goran’s backup plan has failed, but the police have also failed to apprehend Nicky. She calls Kane and tells her that she’s given him the biggest bust of his career, but that he’ll never find her, or the rest of the cocaine stash. She hangs up and throws away the phone before entering an airport.

At the Mimica house, Bianca shouts her location to Hannah, but Hannah has to take cover from Dubravka’s gunfire. Hannah manages to shoot Dubravka in the arm and frees Bianca while Dubravka wraps her wound. Bianca runs back downstairs and frees Jovan before fleeing with Hannah. Hannah gives her a gun and tells Bianca and Jovan to run. But Dubravka shoots and kills Jovan as he and Bianca try to make it across the backyard.

Hannah tries to convince Dubravka to go to jail so that everything doesn’t have to end in bloodshed; Dubravka won’t be able to avoid the police even in Croatia, and she could safely watch her grandson grow up from behind bars. Dubravka refuses. As Hannah moves to end things, Dubravka appears behind her and shoots her twice. Hannah falls into the empty pool.

Dubravka stands over Hannah to finish her off, explaining that her gun is from a Serbian soldier who tried to rape her—the first person she killed. She hopes Hannah will be the last.

But Bianca stops it, shooting and killing her mother before she can kill Hannah. Hannah survives with just an arm injury.

Bianca gives birth to her son, and both she and Hannah are regular visitors to Christian’s grave. Kane resigns from the police—he needs to accept that he has some responsibility for everything that happened, given his relationship with Nicky. And Billy? He’s alive, and dating Hannah.