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Chicago Stories

A Recipe for a Cocktail from the Al Capone Era, Courtesy a Vintage Bar in Chicago

Daniel Hautzinger

As WTTW's Chicago Stories explores Al Capone's Bloody Business, try an adapted vintage recipe from Capone's era, courtesy the Milk Room in the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel. 

We Asked For Your Chicago Amusement Park Memories. Our Audience Shared Fond Memories of Riverview Park

Meredith Francis

As part of Chicago Stories: Amusement Parks, we asked our audience to share memories of the city’s amusement parks, and they delivered, focusing on Riverview Park in particular and the fond – and occasionally thrilling – moments from the bygone park. 

A New Play Revisits the Memories and Sacrifices of a Chicago Young Lords Leader

Meredith Francis

"Chicago Lore(s)" tells the story of José “Cha Cha” Jiménez, the leader of the influential Young Lords Organization, which formed in the 1960s to fight against displacement in Lincoln Park.

Take a Ride Through Chicago's Historic Amusement Parks in the Latest 'Chicago Stories' Documentary

Daniel Hautzinger

Riverview, Kiddieland, Santa's Village – these are just a few of the cherished amusement parks covered in WTTW's new Chicago Stories documentary. We spoke to the producer and writer.

The Infamous Black Sox Are the Subject of a New WTTW Documentary

Julia Maish

A new Chicago Stories documentary covers The Black Sox Scandal, in which Chicago White Sox players intentionally lost the 1919 World Series for a payout, and changed the game of baseball forever.

WTTW Explores the "Crime of the Century" in a New Documentary on Leopold and Loeb, a Century Later

Julia Maish

An all-new season of WTTW’s Chicago Stories kicks off with a look back at one of the most sinister true crime stories of the 20th century, which took place in Chicago 100 years ago: Leopold and Loeb's murder of a 14-year-old boy.

A Chicagoan Who Wouldn't Take No for an Answer

Julia Maish

Chicago Stories: The Outrage of Danny Sotomayor tells the story of a Chicagoan who wouldn’t take no for an answer in his crusade for equal rights and fight for AIDS treatment for his community. The film’s producer-writer Dan Andries tells us more about Sotomayor’s life and work. 

The Ultimate DIY: A Century Ago, You Could Buy Everything You Needed to Build an Entire Home from a Sears Catalog

Meredith Francis

Between 1908 and 1942, Chicago-based Sears, Roebuck, and Co. sold kits in its mail order catalogs that allowed people to build their own homes.

We Have a Chicago Candy Bracket Champion: Frango Mints!

Meredith Francis

After a week of intense competition, we have a winner of our Chicago candy bracket: Frango Mints! 

The Final Round: Butterfinger vs. Frango Mints. Vote for Your Favorite Candy!

Daniel Hautzinger

What will be named Chicago's favorite candy? Will it be Butterfinger or Frango Mints? Vote to decide by midnight on Sunday!

Round 2: Laffy Taffy, Butterfinger, Snickers, and Frango Mints Advance! Vote for Your Favorite Candy.

Meredith Francis

Who will advance to the final? Will it be Laffy Taffy or Butterfinger? Snickers or Frango Mints? Vote to decide by 3:00 pm on Thursday! 

Meet the “Willa Wonka” of the South Side, Who Creates Nostalgic Cakes, Candies, and Jobs

Daniel Hautzinger

Stephanie Hart of Brown Sugar Bakery bought the Cupid Candies factory to produce chocolates and keep jobs in her community. "The better the places are to work, the better the community is going to be,” she says.  

Round 1: Frango Mints or Tootsie Rolls? Butterfinger or Baby Ruth? Vote for Your Favorite Candy!

Meredith Francis

Ahead of the premiere of Chicago Stories: Candy Capital and Halloween, we thought we’d stir up a little healthy competition. Vote for your favorite candy with Chicago connections!

Carlos Lozano Survived the Our Lady of the Angels Fire in 1958. His Daughter Worked on a New WTTW Documentary About It

Meredith Francis

Carlos Lozano was 10 years old when a fire broke out at Our Lady of the Angels school in 1958. Some 65 years later, his daughter, Bianca Lozano, worked as the associate producer for the upcoming WTTW Chicago Stories documentary about the fire. They share what the experience meant to their family and the difficulties of discussing a traumatic event.

A Q&A with the Producers of a New Documentary about the Reversal of the Chicago River

Julia Maish

A new season of WTTW's Chicago Stories that airs this fall includes a documentary on the reversal of the Chicago River. We spoke to the producers of the film about what new things there are to learn, and why it's relevant. 
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