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Challenging the Culinary Industry's Gender Disparity by Helping Working Mothers

Daniel Hautzinger

Women are drastically under-represented as lead chefs in the restaurant business, but a new nonprofit aims to begin changing that. “I feel like the difficulties and the lack of systemic support for motherhood are a big part of why a lot of women drop out of this industry," says Beverly Kim.

Support Women-Owned Establishments During Women's Restaurant Week

Daniel Hautzinger

During Women's Restaurant Week, from August 26 through 31, you can support women-owned restaurants during the difficult times of the COVID-19 pandemic as some twenty establishments across Chicagoland offer various specials. 

Chicago's 2019 James Beard Awards Winners

Daniel Hautzinger

The James Beard Awards, a coveted achievement among America's chefs and food industry, were held tonight. Out of fourteen Chicago finalists, four took home an Award.

Chicago's 2019 James Beard Award Finalists

Daniel Hautzinger

This year's finalists for the James Beard Awards, often called the Oscars of Food, have been announced. As usual, Chicago has its fair share of nominees: fourteen, in eight distinct categories, plus two more for cookbooks. Find the list, plus reviews, interviews, and recipes from the finalists here.

Chicago's 2018 James Beard Finalists

Daniel Hautzinger

Finalists for the James Beard Awards, often called the Oscars of the food world, have been announced, and Chicago has ten nominees up for prizes. Watch interviews and Check, Please! reviews, get recipes, and learn a bit about them here.

Chicago James Beard Finalists on WTTW

Daniel Hautzinger

Tonight at 5:00 pm, we're streaming live from the red carpet of the "Oscars of Food" via our Facebook page. Meet some of the Chicago nominees here, and sample their appearances on WTTW.

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