Playlist education
‘We’re Not Just a School. We’re a Community’: New Documentary Highlights Battle to Save Chicago Elementary School
Meredith FrancisA new POV documentary Let the Little Light Shine shows the battle to save the National Teachers Academy from being transitioned into a new high school as the South Loop neighborhood grows and changes. Kevin Shaw, the film's director and producer, discusses how issues like race, class, and gentrification emerge from the story in which average citizens become activists in their community.
More Educational Programming to Supplement At-Home Learning
Daniel HautzingerAs the school year begins and many students take classes remotely, WTTW is offering an educational block of shows to supplement at-home learning every weekday afternoon from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on WTTW Prime.
A Virtual Graduation Ceremony for Chicago's High School Seniors
Daniel HautzingerHigh school seniors may not be able to receive their diplomas in-person this year, but Chicago is hosting a virtual graduation ceremony featuring a commencement address by Oprah Winfrey and hosted by Hamilton star Miguel Cervantes.
A New Educational Line-up on WTTW Prime to Supplement At-Home Learning
Lisa TiptonBeginning Monday, March 30, WTTW Prime will host an afternoon block with shows that will provide educational content focusing on science, social studies, literature, and history for junior high and high school students.
Can Mariachi Save a School?
Justin HendersonGentrification and school choice are combining to reduce enrollment in many Pilsen schools. But administrators at Benito Juarez Community Academy are luring students back, in part by drawing on community resources and bolstering their arts programming.
Juan Salgado
Justin HendersonAdults in Pilsen have historically worked menial jobs, with limited upward mobility. While at Instituto del Progreso Latino, Juan Salgado developed innovative new adult education programs, enabling thousands to improve their skills and launch prosperous careers. Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently tapped him to bring his skills to City Colleges of Chicago.