It’s been a busy few years at the Marine Mammal Center. This hospital for wild seals and sea lions has seen a record number of patients as a result of several environmental threats. We made the rounds with a veterinarian.
San Francisco
Saving San Francisco’s Sea Lions
Redwood forests can be mysterious places, but this one raises all kinds of questions. What’s a redwood forest doing in Oakland? Why do the trees grow in concentric circles? And why is one redwood so much bigger than the rest? We have the answers.
Oakland’s Redwood Forest
In San Francisco they’re imagining a world in which cars share the road with birds, bees, butterflies, and bicyclists. We cycled a few of the wildlife corridors designated in the city’s Green Connections Plan.
A Wild Plan for San Francisco
What did San Francisco look like before Europeans got here? You’ll find the answer in the Presidio. This urban national park has dunes, marshes, a mountain lake, and a plant so rare we can’t disclose its exact location.
Hiking Through History in The Presidio
Cities once converted streams into sewers to make room for development. But now there’s a growing movement to unearth these buried waterways.
The Streams Below Our Streets