If you find it difficult to wade through all the information about health and medicine, you've come to the right place! At The Doctors' Corner, doctors and specialists from Prentice Women's Hospital and Northwestern Memorial Hospital provide the answer to your most pressing health questions.
Click the blue topics below to see a list of questions. Then click the question to watch the video response.
What are the numbers on women and breast cancer?
Why are instances of breast cancer higher for African American women?
Who should be concerned about breast cancer?
Are women with larger breasts more at risk for breast cancer?
What should a patient expect when they're exploring possible diagnosis?
Is there a new approach to nipple preservation?
Is there anything that women can do to prevent breast cancer?
Are most breast cancer cases diagnosed through breast self-exam or through mammography?
Does reconstruction make it harder to diagnose a recurrence?
What does the future hold in terms of testing for breast cancer?
Is heart disease the number one killer of women?
What can be done to lessen your risk of having heart disease or a cardiac event?
If you're heavy, are you more prone to heart disease?
Do thinner people get a pass on heart disease?
Do some women present differently from men?
What are the typical and atypical symptoms for heart disease?
How much more deadly is heart disease for African American women than for Caucasian women?
What is the standard of care for women after a heart attack?
Do women with heart disease ever come across a misdiagnosis?
What factors determine a patient's success with fertility therapy?
What are the different steps in fertility treatment?
Do infertility therapies and hormones add to the emotional stress of infertility?
How does stress affect infertility?
What are some strategies for coping with the experience of infertility?
What are some age appropriate screenings for menopausal women?
How can integrative medicine help women who are goin through menopause?
What are bio identical hormones?
Are there side effects in the bio identicals?
How long can women experience hot flashes?
What are some of the worst symptoms of menopause?
What is the difference between menopause and perimenopause?
When does perimenopause usually occur and how long does it last?
Do all women experience perimenopausal symptoms?
What are some of the emotional changes women might undergo during menopause and perimenopause?
Are there symptoms of menopause and perimenopause that aren't normal?
What are the treatment options for perimenopause?
Will symptoms stop once a woman is finished with perimenopause?
Do women have to suffer through menopause?
Is a mother's experience with menopause a reliable predictor?
Is there anything that can cause menopause to occur earlier or later in a woman's life?
As women approach menopause is there anything they can do to prepare?
What sort of sexual changes will a woman undergo in menopause or perimenopause?
What behaviors constitute a healthy lifestyle?
How does keeping track of calories affect weight loss?
What is the recommended calorie intake for an adult woman?
What should you do if you're concerned about your weight?
How can I shift my patterns to reflect a healthier lifestyle?
What do young people need to know about obesity and their long-term health?
Do strokes normally come without warning?
What are the symptoms of stroke? Are there symptoms that are specifically associated with women?
What are some of the common physical effects of stroke?
Does the location of the stroke produce different ramifications?
Are there medical conditions or treatments for women that make them more likely to have a stroke?