Paper Chain | Activities | WTTW Kids Learn & Play
Students will have a chance to work first independently and then with others. Combining students’ individually created paper chain projects will exemplify cooperation, generosity and problem solving for an even bigger and better result.

Activity Prep
- Before the activity, cut out many strips of paper and make sure to have a roll of tape for each child.
- Show the children how create a chain by taping two ends of a strip of paper together to make a circle. Put another strip through the circle, tape its two ends together, and continue looping each new strip through the circle to make a chain. Give them five minutes to make as many as they can.
- After five minutes, have the children stretch out their entire chain and place it on the floor.
- Talk to the children about how fun it can be to do things like make paper chains, but it is even more fun to share the activity with your classmates.
- Tell the children to take the ends of their chain and connect them to two other children’s chains. Tell the children to help others so the chain is joined.
- Measure how many times it crosses the room when put together, and reinforce how much more fun it is to do it all together and share your work.
Considerations/Modifications/Extension Activities
- For children that need additional help, eliminate time limitations and provide a set number of pretaped strips for each child.
- For more adventurous children, have the children cut the strips or use staples or glue instead of tape.