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The Union Stockyards | Chicago Stories

The Union Stockyards

The Union Stockyards logo

Chicago was famously dubbed “Hog Butcher for the World” by Carl Sandburg in his iconic poem “Chicago.” The city was the center of America’s meatpacking industry for roughly a century, transforming the way livestock were sold, processed, transported, and eaten. Industrialist tycoons such as Philip Armour and Gustavus Swift created and then dominated an industry that changed Americans’ relationship to meat – and squeezed out massive profits at the same time. A century and a half after they first began processing “everything but the squeal” in Chicago, many of their abuses – an indifference to workers, health, the environment, or smaller business – are once again a part of the industry. Read more...

The Story of the Union Stockyards

Lead support for Chicago Stories is provided by The Negaunee Foundation and the Jim and Kay Mabie Family.

Additional support is provided by an anonymous donor, TAWANI Property Management, the Walter E. Heller Foundation, Northern Trust, and The Bossert Family Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation.

Support for Chicago Stories: The Union Stockyards is provided by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bobins, The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation; Denny and Sandy Cummings; and Eleanor Parker in loving memory of Curt Parker.