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Membership FAQ

Membership FAQ

How can I watch WTTW? 
View all the ways to watch WTTW.

Does WTTW have a live stream? 
Yes. You can watch the WTTW live stream at or on the PBS app when localized to WTTW/Chicago.

I would like to access WTTW Passport videos/shows.  
Here's how you can become a WTTW Passport member and activate your WTTW Passport account.

I have questions about WTTW Passport.  
Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about WTTW Passport.

How can I find out what programs are scheduled to air on WTTW, WTTW Prime, WTTW Create, WTTW Kids 24/7, WTTW World, and when?
View the WTTW Schedule.

When will my thank-you gift arrive?
Please allow two to four weeks for your item to arrive. Some items arrive sooner. If it has been longer than four weeks, please let us know the details in the Contact Form. Tickets are sent 2-3 weeks prior to the event date.

I just sent you my renewal. Why am I still getting notices?
To be as cost-efficient as possible, we print and send our notices in bulk and so what you receive in your mailbox has been on its way to your home for up to a month. If your renewal and our notice have crossed in the mail, please disregard the notice and accept our apologies.

My Guide didn't arrive.
There are a few reasons why your Guide may not have arrived. It might have been lost in the mail or we may not have your correct address, or your membership may have expired if you waited to renew just before your expiration date. For any of these reasons, please use the Contact Form to let us know.

Why did I get two program guides?
You may be on our mailing list twice. The best way to correct this is by sending us the address labels from both copies so we can merge the two. Here's our address:

The Guide
c/o WTTW
5400 N Saint Louis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625

When will I receive my Member Card?
Membership cards are distributed by mail in your thank-you acknowledgement letter two to four weeks after we process your donation.

WTTW Producer’s Circle members have access to the WTTW Producer’s Circle Digital MemberCard. Qualifying members will receive a personal access code from [email protected] two to four weeks after processing your donation. Learn more at

I don't know what my WTTW Member ID # is. What is it?
Your WTTW Member ID # is a numeric code with up to eight digits. To figure out what your ID is:

  1. Look for a long number above your name on the address box on the cover of your Guide.
  2. Look above your name and address on a piece of mail you've received from WTTW.
  3. Call the WTTW Member and Audience Center at (773) 509-1111, ext. 6. They will be happy to look up your ID for you.

Where can I find WTTW financial info?
View the WWCI Financials.

Does WTTW share my information?
To expand our membership base and increase support for production, content, and other services, we periodically make our mailing list available to other non-profit educational, cultural, social service, and like organizations in the communities we serve. If you would prefer that your name and address is excluded from these exchanges, please call Member Services at (773) 509-1111, ext. 6 or let us know through the Contact Form. We do not share email addresses. 

Is my contribution tax deductible?
Contributions to WTTW may be tax deductible to the full extent of the law, deducting the fair market value of any thank-you gifts received.

How can I watch WTTW's channels?
View all the ways to watch WTTW.

WTTW (11.1): Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers can watch WTTW in high-definition by tuning to channel 11-1. Cable or satellite viewers can locate WTTW in high-definition on the on-screen menu. WTTW is on Comcast channels 11 and 191 and on RCN channels 11 and 611.

WTTW Prime (11.2): WTTW Prime is the newest channel in the WTTW family – ‘prime time all the time.’ Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers can tune to channel 11-2 to find WTTW Prime. WTTW Prime is on Comcast digital cable channel 370 and on RCN channel 37.

WTTW Create (11.3): WTTW Create is our how-to and lifestyle programming channel. Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers tune to channel 11-3. WTTW Create is on Comcast digital cable channel 369 and on RCN channel 38. WTTW Create programming airs from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm.

WTTW | PBS Kids 24/7 (11.4): WTTW | PBS Kids is our 24/7 channel just for kids and families. You can also stream this channel online at Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers can tune to channel 11-4. WTTW | PBS Kids is on Comcast digital channels 368 and RCN channel 39.

WTTW World (11.5): WTTW World features public media’s signature documentary, science, and news programming complemented by original content from emerging producers. Free TV, over-the-air antenna viewers tune to channel 11-5. 

View the WTTW television schedules.